Something for Everyone: from the clay curious, to the developing potter.

Introduction to wheel throwing classes set in an awesome little pottery studio.

Introduction to wheel throwing

  • A two-hour class where students will be guided through the basics of wheel-throwing and can develop a sense of what it is to be a potter. You’ll spend this session throwing, and our team will trim, glaze, and fire your piece for you.

    We welcome you to join us for this fun and relaxing experience. At the end of which, you will have created your very own piece of art, and develop a new-found appreciation for the ceramic arts.

  • This is for you if

    • you’re clay curious want to dip your toes into pottery

    • you want a fun way to spend a couple hours on a weekend with your favourite people

    • you want to zen out for a little bit

    • A one off 2 hour guided class

    • All materials and tools

    • Behind the scenes work completed by the TPS team to finish one piece

Private functions in a cosy pottery studio.

Term courses

  • A two-hour, weekly wheel throwing class for potters who would like to develop their skills and understanding of the pottery process. The term course takes you through the main stages of pottery: throwing, trimming, and glazing.

    We welcome you to join us for this enjoyably challenging experience. At the end of which, you will leave with a shiny new set of skills, your own works of pottery, and an appreciation for the ceramic arts.

  • This is for you if

    • you’d like to explore the craft of wheel thrown pottery

    • you want to carve out your own weekly relaxing ritual, or time to be creative

    • you want to develop existing pottery skills and take them to the next level

    • 2-hour weekly class with guided demonstration.

    • Scaffolded learning structure

    • All materials, tools and firing costs

    • Access to the Terrapotter Digital Learning Materials for independent review

studio time

  • Open studio: A time to dedicate to practicing your pottery skills.

    Independent practice: A time to dedicate working on a specific pottery project.

  • Open studio: Open studio is open to anyone who has completed a minimum of 1 wheel throwing term (either at TPS or elsewhere).

    Independent practice: Independent practice is better suited to those who have completed ~3 wheel throwing terms (either at TPS of elsewhere).

  • Open studio: Access to tools and equipment. Pieces are self-managed. Clay and firing available for purchase at extra cost.

    Independent practice: Access to tools, equipment, clay and firing. An instructor will be present to help troubleshoot your project when needed.

Good to go? See what’s on at both studios.

Have something special coming up?

View and book all classes here:

Prior to booking your class with Terrapotter Studios, please ensure you have read our FAQ’s, which will address any questions you may have (including: requirements, rescheduling, etc.), and our studio policies. Thank you.